
Make Friends Family Group


Sunday at 3:30 AM




In Person

Childcare Available:



Natalie Timm

Our group is for anyone but is family focused and content will usually revolve around marriage, parenting, and family. We will have some content but the main focus of our group is to create time and space in our busy lives with kids to connect with other couples and families! We also want to make time to pray for one another each week, and encourage each other in this wild journey of life with Jesus! We will meet every 1st and 3rd Sundays, and have some "pop up" hang out days as well. October we will meet the 6th and 27th. We plan to have a babysitter at our house and split the cost of child care together so we can have care for the kiddos during group time. The first couple of meets will be just hanging out and getting to know each other for the whole family! Start date is August 18th 3:30 to 5pm at our house in Savage.